
The Rise Waldorf School Schedule

School Year September 4th, 2023 – June 21st, 2024

Scheduled vacations include Fall Break from November 20th to 25th, Winter Break spanning from December 18th to January 19th, Spring Break from March 25th to 29th, Batalla de Rivas on April 15th, Dia Del Trabajo on May 1st, and Summer Break from June 17th to August 30th.


Festivals Celebrated


September (In School)

Enchanted Forest

October (Family Event, After School)

Lantern Walk

November (Family Event, After School)

Advent Spiral Walk

December (In School)

Winter Celebration

December (Family Event, After School)

Valentine’s Day

February (In School)


April (In School)

May Day

April (Family Event)


May (In School)

Last Day Celebration

June (Family Event, After School)

Age Policy

At The Rise School we believe that children should be exposed to what they are prepared for in their development.  This is founded in a firm belief in Waldorf Education. Typically this means children will be slightly older than in traditional school. We have many requests from parents coming from traditional schools or from other countries with different age policies to put their children in a grade higher. We have observed time and time again that the age policy given below is appropriate for the children joining the early education program  and the primary grades.


Children must be 2 years old to start school.


Turn 4 years old before August

1st Grade

Turn 6 before ending of school year. (For children after June birthdate, readiness examination will be given by Kindergarten teacher)

2nd Grade

Turn 7 before ending of school year.

3rd Grade

Turn 8 before ending of school year.

4th Grade

Turn 9 before ending of school year.

5th Grade

Turn 10 before ending of school year.

6th Grade

Turn 11 before ending of school year.

Early Education


Our Pre-kinder and kindergarten students join one class. There is an implicit symbiotic learning by having the older and younger early childhood classes together. Observing the older children, the younger children learn and have a great example. Older children support the younger children by helping them through the day building their confidence and patience. Children experience the daily rhythms in a nurturing environment where nature has an important role in the day-to-day activities. 

We start the day with outdoor play on rope swings, water activities, climbing structures, swing set- all part of the rhythm children look forward to. They help take care of our garden. We sing and exercise with movement songs and recite poems. Children help with all tasks at school as an important part of developing self-confidence, a sense of responsibility and teamwork. A loving attitude, reverence and gratitude are some of the many values children will take home from The Rise School.

Butterfly Class

Daily Rhythm Schedule

Butterfly Class


With current enrollment, our grades are divided into 2 groups
(2nd/3rd and 4th/5th)

As a small school, we work with mixed age classes, and believe it can be a wonderful experience for the children when done well.  Some grades are split for ‘main lesson’, the most academically focused part of the day. Here is a sample of the 2-3 Hummingbird Grade and  4-5 Toucan Grade Schedule for 2023-24:

Grades 2-3

Hummingbird Schedule

Grades 4-5

Toucan Schedule

*Schedule subject to change 

Rhythm games and movement start the day off. The main lesson, taught in English, lasts about 120 minutes. We work with a 2 to 3 day rhythm for the main lesson. Main lesson subjects are taught in blocks of 4 to 6 weeks with alternating subjects such as Language and Math.